
We created the Simple Simmons brand to showcase the versatility of the Fuyu Persimmon. Fuyus are the persimmons that people are most familiar with because they are so simple. A Fuyu can be eaten out of hand like an apple or used as an ingredient in recipes. Just slice, eat, and you will see how sweet they are.
Available October-February.
Check out the Simple Simmons website for more information and POS materials!
Honeys are a new Non-Astringent persimmon from Brandt Farms. The sweet honey flavor can be enjoyed at all stages of ripeness. When firm they can be sliced, chopped, and diced into your favorite recipes or eaten as a delicious snack. When soft they are perfect for all traditional baking recipes that call for persimmons. Honeys persimmons are the one persimmon that meets all your persimmon eating and baking needs.
Available October-February.
Visit the Honeys page for tasty ways to use Honeys Persimmons!